SOP Flowchart (is attached or can be found under the link): https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lBEZTMI=/
Pricing: API usage is free of charge. Client orders are handled via regular quote and content production prices.
Short description:
API service is a programmatic access to a majority of our services.
The API is accessible through the REST API interface using standard HTTP(-s) protocol.
Content-type for both Request and Response is application/json.
Request parameters and results must be UTF-8 encoded.
Incoming ticket with a request to connect to the API has been assigned to one of the Project Manager / Support representatives.
In case the client sends a direct email to the PM, the email is forwarded to Helpdesk.
Support person / PM checks the Helpdesk article and procedure.
A canned response is sent to the customer to create a use case scenario.
After the client replies, a new ticket is created in Helpdesk (using an API request ticket template).
Please make sure to:
Describe the client’s needs in detail
Indicate the client’s tech / IT contact person
Attach optional data or files
IT contacts the client's POC and provides token / access to API